🔎Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984

Section 1 - Stop and Search:

  • Section 1 of PACE grants police officers the power to stop and search individuals in certain circumstances. Officers must have reasonable grounds to suspect that an individual is in possession of prohibited items, such as firearms, ammunition, offensive weapons, or stolen property.

  • Officers should provide a clear explanation of the reason for the search and the individual's rights during the search.

Section 24 - Arrest without a Warrant:

  • This section outlines the conditions under which police officers can arrest an individual without a warrant. Arrests can be made if an officer has reasonable grounds to suspect that an individual is involved in a criminal offence.

Section 28 - Entry and Search of Premises:

  • Section 28 allows officers to apply for a search warrant to enter and search premises in connection with an investigation.

  • The search warrant is typically issued by a magistrate and authorises police to enter and search specific premises for evidence related to a crime.

Section 30 - Detention of Suspects:

  • This section sets out the rules for the detention of suspects in police custody. It specifies the maximum period for which a suspect can be detained without being charged.

  • Detainees have certain rights, including the right to legal representation and the right to consult with a solicitor.

Section 32 - Search upon arrest:

  • This section permits the search of a suspect once they have been arrested for an offence. It allows gives warrant to search the premises and anything or anyone involved with the offence: even if they did not participate.

  • You may search them to be able to remove any items that may assist in escape or pose a threat.

Section 37 - Recording of Interviews:

  • PACE introduced rules for the electronic recording of police interviews. The section outlines the procedures for recording interviews with suspects in custody, ensuring transparency and accuracy.

Section 76 - Offences Involving Firearms:

  • This section addresses offences involving firearms, including possession, use, and threats with firearms. It outlines penalties for such offences.

Section 117 - Search Warrants for Entry and Search:

  • This section deals with the process of obtaining a search warrant for premises in connection with a criminal investigation.

Entire PACE act found here

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