Last updated
Last updated
Step 1: Cause
When initially placing them in handcuffs, say:
You are under arrest for [REASON].
Step 2: Police Caution
Tell them the following:
Step 3: Search
The legislation used to search may be different, depending on the arrest cause.
Ensure you are wearing the correct equipment for a search (e.g gloves)
If they say yes, search for them first with caution. Place them in evidence bags after you have removed them.
Continue with the search, and remove any items that may assist in escape or cause harm. Place the items in evidence bags.
If they have firearms:
Identify the firearm.
Remove it from their person.
Request an armed officer if necessary.
Place the firearm in a secure case as evidence.
Secure all confiscated items in your car after placing in bags.
Section 3: Transport
Call in for a PTV via radio. And wait.
When the PTV arrives:
Hand over the suspect to the PTV Officer
Tell them:
In the event that no PTV arrives, you can walk over to the Police Station (given that you are close to the base) and ask for an LPU to transport them.